Yvonne Strahovski is officially returning to Dexter for the show’s eighth season.
The actress is set to reprise her role in a multi-episode arc this summer as Hannah McKay, the gorgeous killer florist. Last season, the Hannah became Dexter’s twisted love interest and a major thorn in his side. When we last saw her in the seventh season finale, Hannah had escaped from prison, and Dex was seemingly lucky to get away from her. “We both knew it would come to this, one of us dead or behind bars,” Dexter said. With Hannah returning, we suspect this time one of them (or both?) won’t escape so easily.
Have questions? We’re chatting with the former Chuck star on Twitter and you can follow along. The interview starts at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PST. Start hitting me up with questions now at @james_hibberd using the hashtag #YvonneDexter and follow Strahovski at @Y_Strahovski. Dexter returns June 30.

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Auteur : Jenny 10.04.2013 (0) Commentaire

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