Posted in Yvonne Strahovski
Gallery Link Yvonne Strahovski > Magazine / Scans / E-Book > L’Officiel Congratulations on the latest releases of The Tomorrow War and The Handmaid’s Tale. The Tomorrow War is also focused on another subject that has fascinated the writers and readers alike since Enrique Gaspar’s “El Anacronópete”, 1887 and HG Wells’ “The Time Machine”, 1895 – time travel. Your character plays a prominent role when it comes to science in the future, do you think your character was also related to the discovery of time travel? Possibly, though she does specify around the time that the character gets introduced that she has a PhD in Biotechnology with an emphasis in genomics and immunology. So, maybe! The movie also touches on the Butterfly Effect of time travel with directly relates to your character. I am fascinated and amazed by it, but more so through the likes of articles. I recently went down an A.I. rabbit hole and was amazed (and slightly concerned) to learn about just how much technology is out there on it – often not really in our control. Once you give A.I. the power to think by itself, it does. And humans don’t necessarily know what these super computers are doing. [ Read More ] |
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